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Phase One


Phase One was completed in December 2022.  Phase Two of Plan Moncure was begun in January 2023.  The key steps and milestones from Phase One were as follows:


Phase 1: Planning Process Timeline Summary

March 29, 2022


Governor Roy Cooper announced that automaker VinFast selected Southeast Chatham County as the location of its first North American assembly plant for electric vehicles – the first major automotive plant in North Carolina’s history – creating 7,500 jobs.

April-May, 2022 


Following the Governor’s announcement, Chatham County staff amended the ReCode Chatham project to include a Small Area Plan for Moncure.

June 6, 2022 


The White & Smith consultant team kicked off Phase 1 of Plan Moncure, which included extensive scoping and workshopping effort with staff, the Board of Commissioners, and a series of technical experts identified as critical to the small area plan.

August 29, 2022 


The White & Smith consultant team held the Task 6 Area Vision and Input Workshop with the Board of Commissioners, which included facilitated discussions with the board (See Appendix 1 of the Plan Moncure report).

September 2022 


Grading begins on the VinFast areas of the TIP site.

October 7, 2022 


The County’s internal “Technical Advisory Committee” was assembled and convened for its first meeting.

November, 2022 


VinFast submitted its landscape plan for approval, its first official application request made to the County. In turn, the County Appearance Commission conducted its initial review of the landscape plan.

December 8, 2022 


A Working Draft of the Plan Moncure Small Area Plan: Phase 1 Assessment and Action Plan was released and reviewed by the Board of Commissioners.

December 14, 2022 


The County Technical Advisory Committee was briefed on the findings and conclusions from Phase 1 and the action plan and schedule for Plan Moncure, Phase 2 – the “small area plan.”

December 19, 2022 


The Board of Commissioners reviewed and accepted Phase 2 of the Small Area Plan and directed the Team to immediately initiate Phase 2.  In addition, the Board passed a motion to process, but delay acting upon, rezoning requests received after December 19, until August 2023, a date by which the Plan Moncure planning process would be scheduled for completion.

January 10, 2023


The Final Draft of the Plan Moncure Small Area Plan: Phase 1 Assessment and Action Plan was released.

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