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Plan Moncure FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions 

How were the market projections developed for the Market Assessment?

Projections were created to estimate the demand for residential and non-residential development through the year 2040. For residential uses, we started with historical population growth trends in the study area, Chatham County, and the Triangle region. Based on the experience of other communities, we also projected that a percentage of VinFast employees would live within the study area. Putting these together created population and household growth estimates for Moncure and the study area.


To project the types of housing that might be needed, the team researched trends in housing types across the Triangle region. We also looked at the types and price levels of housing that could meet the demand coming from new VinFast employees. Finally, we interviewed home builders and other housing experts in the region to include their input on likely market demand in southeastern Chatham County.


For non-residential uses (including industrial, retail, and office space) the team reviewed the current size of these markets in the study area and annual demand for new space. We researched the market size across the Triangle region, vacancy rates, and the amount of new construction. We also interviewed commercial real estate experts to gauge the potential for new demand in light of major projects in the study area such as FedEx and VinFast.


The full Market Assessment is located on the Plan Moncure Documents page in the dropdown menu above, and can be accessed by clicking here.

Is this planning process part of the VinFast development announced and underway in Moncure? 

No.  This process responds to the VinFast announcement.  VinFast is not associated with, paying for, or participating in the small area plan.  The small area plan, rather, represents Chatham County’s intentional and deliberate response to VinFast and other announced industrial projects taking shape in southeastern Chatham County. 


How is this process different from previous planning projects?

This small area plan focuses specifically on the Moncure community and adjacent area. No prior planning effort has had this level of focus on this part of Chatham County specifically.  The County is doing this alongside the community to capture its vision for Moncure’s future. We want to ensure that the alternative growth scenarios the consultants prepare and, eventually, the final plan the Commission adopts demonstrate the feedback of the full community.


How can we make sure our voice is heard?

The planning process has already included several options for input, including a resident listening session, a public open house, a survey, and of course, comments can always be emailed to the project point of contact, Chance Mullis.  


Opportunities for additional input are ongoing, including a newly-scheduled listening session on April 27th at the Moncure School and a community feedback session to review potential growth scenarios, anticipated in late May at this point. 


The Plan Moncure public survey was open from March 21 to April 21, 2023.  Once the results are assembled, they will be posted on this website and presented to the public during community meetings. Monitor the “Get Involved” and “Events and Meetings” drop-down pages under the “Plan Moncure” tab above as details are finalized and be on the lookout for project emails if you signed up for updates on the Plan Moncure landing page and updates at the project kiosk at the Moncure Collection Center at 2855 Old US Highway 1.


Are the ongoing NCDOT roadway improvements part of the study?

No. The N.C. Department of Transportation is undertaking roadway network improvements in the area of a large economic development site in southeastern Chatham County known as Triangle Innovation Point (TIP). Those improvements were largely triggered by the announcement of VinFast locating on the TIP-East site. Questions regarding DOT projects can be directed to or 984-205-6615, enter code 6470.


Why didn’t the roads get widened before VinFast was announced?

The DOT’s road improvements were dependent on and responsive to the specific type of facility located on the mega site to reflect anticipated traffic generation and impacts from the industry. More information can be found by contacting DOT at


What about the traffic and growing congestion?

NCDOT is responsible for maintaining public roads in the County and will fund and provide improvements to address the traffic and congestion as new and anticipated growth warrants.


Additionally, Chatham Planning staff can submit for transportation projects through the regional transportation organization’s SPOT funding process.  Questions regarding DOT projects can be directed to or 984-205-6615, enter code 6470.


What about the safety of our roads? How can we keep people in cars and on bikes safe with increasing truck and boat traffic?

Typically, NCDOT’s major project include engineering analyses for the roadways it builds or impacts which include public safety evaluations and responses. Questions regarding DOT projects can be directed to or 984-205-6615, enter code 6470.


What about utilities and sewer availability and aging septic systems in the area?

Currently, Chatham County supplies drinking water to Moncure and the full study area, with some interconnection with the City of Sanford.  Other than a small package plant in Bynum, however, the County does not provide wastewater (sewer) collection and treatment services. 


The City of Sanford does provide water and wastewater services to parts of southeast Chatham County, including new services being constructed to serve the TIP site where VinFast is being built. Other properties and areas in Moncure rely on septic tanks, where feasible, and state-approved irrigation systems.


Is there a plan in place to improve broadband service/infrastructure in the Moncure area? 

Chatham County is currently exploring ways to partner with internet service providers to expand service in the Moncure area.  Additional efforts could be something that is identified as an implementation measure in Plan Moncure.  For more information on the status of the County’s efforts on this, please contact the County Manager’s office at (919) 542-8200.


Will there be additional property purchased by the state?

First, it is important to note, particularly for purposes of the small area plan, that Chatham County has not and will not take property through eminent domain as part of this planning process.


NCDOT, however, has used eminent domain to facilitate road improvements planned and begun since the VinFast announcement and can answer questions about the eminent domain process by emailing or 984-205-6615, enter code 6470.


Do we really need more development in this area?

Good question. 


The  initial growth projections prepared as part of the Plan Moncure project are based on historic trends and suggest that the market will likely demand additional land for residential and commercial uses in the study area, as well as throughout Chatham County and the larger region.  


However, determining where and how that demand is met is one purpose of the Plan Moncure project and is why your input is critical. 


Due to the magnitude of the recent and anticipated developments at the TIP site (Fed Ex and VinFast), there may be interest in siting additional development projects in the Moncure area. Chatham County’s adopted plans and development regulations set the framework for how new development can occur in this area, with some development allowed already under current regulations. As a result, Chatham County is proactively undertaking this small area plan to update the vision for this area, and address the understandable concerns of the community.  Once adopted, the resulting plan will provide a policy framework that reflects a shared community vision for Moncure’s future.


Is the County going to build more subdivisions in this study area?

Current land use regulations permit development of subdivisions, but only consistent with County requirements.  Whether to build a new subdivision, of course, is up to individual property owners in the Moncure area.  The County does not develop land other than County facilities. 


Establishing the desired nature and scope of future residential development in Moncure and adjacent areas is a key purpose of this small area plan and what your input will inform as the consultant team develops alternative visions for the community and the Board of Commissioners to consider.


What subdivisions have already been approved?  

Current approved and pending subdivisions can be reviewed on the County’s website at or on the Interactive Development Map found here  


What about schools?

It is very possible that a new school will be built in the greater Moncure area. Chatham County Schools (CCS) is currently planning to build a new elementary school in the Chatham Park Southern Village. Once Chatham County has finalized the Plan Moncure small area plan and any corresponding zoning revisions, and made decisions regarding the availability of public water and sewer service and allowable development in the greater Moncure area, CCS will have a better understanding of what school facilities will be needed to serve this part of the county. Additional questions can be directed to Chris Blice, Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Chatham County Schools (tel: 919-542-3626; email:


Can we get a grocery store?

Another great question. 


And one that really can only be answered by the private sector – that is landowners who own lands appropriate for a grocery store and those who would develop those lands, as permitted by County regulations. 

However, this plan could include recommended changes in land use codes that might increase the appeal and feasibility of new retail development in parts of the study area, for example, as has been suggested by some residents in the historic Moncure community or near the interchanges on U.S. 1.   


A decision by private investors to locate a grocery store or other retail development in this area would depend in large part on how much residential demand there would be nearby to shop at a new store.


Why did all of the trees have to get cut down in preparation for the VinFast development?

Since the megasite had been approved and zoned years ago, the establishment of VinFast on the site, required little additional discretionary approval by the County.  At this time, the clearing of the VinFast site is consistent with the County’s current land use regulations. 


A county stormwater permit and numerous state and federal permits are required as part of the VinFast project, and issuance of these permits will be impacted in part by the amount of land cover on the site.  In addition, Chatham County works with developers to preserve the rural and environmental character of areas impacted. This process includes conserving trees, including specific trees that may be very old. Therefore, County staff is working with its land use code drafting (“UDO”) consultants to revisit tree protection regulations in the next year to 18 months.


What is being done to protect water and air quality? Wildlife?

The consultants’ existing conditions report (see the “Plan Moncure Documents” tab above) identified environmentally significant resources and areas within Moncure and the full study area.  These findings and the input and data we continue to receive will inform this aspect of the final small area plan.


Is the Parkers Ridge Park going to get built?

Yes. The Parkers Ridge Park is still going to be built.  The development of VinFast site has required small adjustments to the original plan, but it is anticipated that the park will remain at its intended and planned level of service and quality. 


Questions regarding the status of the park’s plans can be directed to Chatham County Parks and Recreation staff at (919) 545-8555 or


Are increases in property taxes from new development in the area anticipated?

It is not clear whether or how taxes might change in the area over time.


Taxes on a given property are a function of the tax rate set by the Board of Commissioners and the assessed value of the property in question. For more information, visit the Chatham County Tax Administration Office at or call (919) 542-8211.


When will Plan Moncure be complete?

A final draft of the plan is scheduled to be completed this summer, and then will go through a board review and approval process that will probably last several months.


Where are the consultants preparing Plan Moncure from, and who are they working for?

The consultants working on Plan Moncure have offices in North Carolina and South Carolina and all have experience in their subject areas across the state of North Carolina. 


The consultants were hired by the Chatham County Board of Commissioners in June 2022, following the VinFast announcement in March.

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