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The Plan Moncure Small Area Plan


The Plan Moncure Small Area Plan is a priority project of the Chatham County Board of Commissions, which it initiated upon the announcement of the VinFast plant on the eastern side of the Triangle Innovation Point (TIP) site in March of 2022.


The County’s 2017 Comprehensive Plan – Plan Chatham – provided that such a “small area plan” would be created upon the occupancy of the first major tenant at the TIP site.


An action plan, public engagement strategy, and project schedule for Plan Moncure was led by the County’s UDO consulting Team, White & Smith Planning and Law Group, during the second half of 2022. “Phase 1” efforts resulted in the “Phase 1 Assessment and Action Plan,” which can be downloaded by clicking here.


This website is dedicated to “phase two,” development of a small area plan for Moncure and surrounding regions.  Plan Moncure is running concurrently with ReCode Chatham, which involves the development of the Chatham County Unified Development Ordinance (the “UDO”).  Click here to be directed to the ReCode Chatham project site.  Plan Moncure is anticipated to be completed around August of 2023.  Click here for an overview of the Plan Moncure project, timeline, and study areas.




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Plan Moncure News & Updates

Board of Commissioners Adopts Plan Moncure

October 2023 


On October 16th, following deliberation and discussion, the Board of Commissioners adopted the Plan Moncure small area plan.  Here is a link to the County’s October 17th press release regarding the adoption of the plan. 


Prior to its vote, the Board received an update from the plan consultant, including a summary of potential revisions to the draft plan (dated August 9, 2023) that would reflect input received from the public, the Planning Board, and the Board of Commissioners from its prior meeting on October 2nd. The consultant’s presentation can be downloaded here.  Notable changes to the August 9th draft plan would include:


  • Including “lodging” as a potentially compatible use and clarifying “apartments” are among the types of compatible uses in Community Center place type areas

  • Including “lodging” and a variety of residential uses in the Employment Center place type areas as potentially compatible uses`

  • Revisions to the “Future Land Use & Conservation Vision Map,” adjusting Community Center and Compact Residential areas

  • Adjustments and clarification of Conservation place types along road corridors  


The full agenda packet and meeting minutes will be available on the County website.


Once the consultant team completes these additions to the plan document, it will be posted to the “Plan Moncure Documents” tab under the Plan Moncure dropdown menu above. 

Board of Commissioners Considers Adoption of Plan Moncure

October 2023 


On October 2nd, the Chatham County Board of Commissioners held its first meeting to consider the draft Plan Moncure small area plan, which is dated August 9, 2023. The meeting included a presentation by the consultants, opportunities for public input, and board discussion. Following its discussion on October 2nd, the BOC decided to carry over its consideration of the draft plan to its next meeting on October 16th, 2023, starting at 6:00 p.m. This meeting will be at the Chatham County Agricultural and Conference center located at 1192 US 64 W Business, Pittsboro.

Planning Board recommends approval of Plan Moncure

September 2023 


On September 5th, the Chatham County Planning Board held its second meeting to consider the draft Plan Moncure small area plan, which is dated August 9, 2023 (see Plan Moncure Documents page in the dropdown menu above). The meeting included a brief presentation by Green Heron Planning reviewing the feedback from members of the Planning Board compiled and provided by County staff. Following the review and discussion of feedback, the Planning Board made a motion to recommend the draft Plan Moncure small area plan for approval by the Board of Commissioners with the Planning Board feedback provided for consideration of adjustments or changes, if desired. That motion passed unanimously. 


The small area plan will be presented to the Board of Commissioners on October 2nd during the regular session. That meeting will be held at the Chatham County Agricultural and Conference center at 6:00pm located at 1192 US 64 W Business, Pittsboro.  Public input on the recommended small area plan will be received. 

Planning Board review and consideration of the draft Small Area Plan 

August 2023 


On August 23rd, the Chatham County Planning Board held its first meeting to consider the draft Plan Moncure small area plan, which is dated August 9, 2023.  The meeting included a presentation by the consultants, opportunities for public input, and board discussions.  The materials under Planning Board consideration can be reviewed on the project website by clicking here.


Included in the board's materials is an “addendum” the consultant team prepared following the August 9th open house, which sets out potential plan revisions for the Planning Board to consider, based on feedback and input received since the open house.   These are for the board’s consideration as it makes its recommendation to the Board of Commissioners on the small area plan.


Following its discussion on August 23rd, the Planning Board decided to carry over its consideration of the draft plan to its next regular meeting, which will be held at the Chatham County Agricultural & Conference Center on September 5, 2023, starting at 6:30 p.m.   


The small area plan will move on to the Board of Commissioners for final consideration and adoption, following a final recommendation of the Planning Board.  

Public Review Draft of the Moncure Small Area Plan Posted

August 2023 


The public review draft of Plan Moncure has been posted on the “Plan Moncure Documents” page, under the Plan Moncure dropdown menu above.  Click here for a direct link to the Documents page. 


The Consultant team will present this draft and seek initial public feedback on August 9th at an Open House at the Sprott Youth Center in Moncure.  Doors open at 5:00 p.m. to allow the public an hour to browse maps and recommendations on display and the meeting will convene at 6:00 p.m.. The Sprott Center is located off Old U.S. 1, across the highway from and west of Mt. Olive Church. The street address for the Sprott Center is 80 Sprott Center Drive, Moncure, N.C.


Then, on August 23rd, the Planning Board will meet to consider Plan Moncure to make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on the small area plan plan. This meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Agriculture Building at 65 E. Chatham Street in Pittsboro. Click here for more information on that meeting.  

Draft Scenarios Presented to the Board of Commissioners, Next Open House, Planning Board Input Upcoming 

July 2023 


On June 5, the White & Smith team presented the four Plan Moncure scenarios presented at the May 24th Open House, to the Board of Commissioners, as well as the community’s input received at the Open House. Following the Board's input, the consultant team has been developing the content of the final Plan Moncure recommendations and report.


On August 9th, the team will present the draft report and revised Future Land Use and Conservation Map for the Moncure Study Area at an Open House at the Sprott Youth Center in Moncure.  Doors open at 5:00 p.m. to allow the public an hour to browse maps and recommendations on display and the meeting will convene at 6:00 p.m.. The Sprott Center is located off Old U.S. 1, across the highway from and west of Mt. Olive Church. The street address for the Sprott Center is 80 Sprott Center Drive, Moncure, North Carolina. (Note this meeting was originally scheduled for August 10th, but has been moved up a day.)


Following the Open House, the County Planning Board will convene on August 23rd to consider the Plan Moncure report and to make recommendations to the Board of Commissioners on the plan. This meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Agriculture Building at 65 E. Chatham Street in Pittsboro. Click here for more information on that meeting.  As documents are finalized for this meeting they will be posted to the Plan Moncure Documents page. 

Draft Scenarios Available for Review and Comment

May 2023 


The County held its second open house for Plan Moncure on May 24th at the Moncure School, rolling out 4 sample scenarios that illustrate 4 different potential “futures” for southeast Chatham County, based on the team’s existing conditions analyses presented at the first open house in March and the public input we’ve received since the project started.


Attendees were able to view and discuss each scenario with the consultant team, including how each tests one or more ideas expressed by community members over the last two months. Conceptual maps depict the future development pattern associated with the scenarios. Each scenario examines the likely distribution of future homes and commercial uses and the impacts of such growth, including increased needs for infrastructure/services and encroachment on valued open space.


If you were not able to attend the open house on May 24th, we still want your input and are available to answer your questions.  


Meeting materials are posted on the Plan Moncure website, by clicking here.  The survey is open until midnight on June 4th, and can be completed by clicking here.


Also, this Thursday evening, the consultants will hold a follow-up forum online to answer any remaining questions about the sample scenarios and the methodologies and assumptions for each one.  


Please join us Thursday (June 1) from 6-7:00 p.m.  Sign in to the Zoom platform for the forum as follows:

Open House #2 Announced!

May 2023 


The County is conducting its second open house for Plan Moncure on May 24th at the Moncure School, details below.


The purpose of this meeting is for the consultants to present alternatives plans for future development and conservation in the Moncure area, based on public input received through community stakeholder sessions (January), resident meetings (February), Community Open House #1 (March), a Community Listening Session (April), as well as the online survey (March-April).


The alternatives presented will reflect a range of potential scenarios for the community to consider and to provide feedback to the consultants and County staff regarding.  This will include maps illustrating "alternative futures” for the focus area of the Plan Moncure Study Area and interactive discussions with the consultants.  


The goal, as we move from existing conditions analyses and public input on to mapping and planning, is to ensure the points of view expressed are captured in the various scenarios for development and conservation in this important part of southeastern Chatham County.  


Meeting Details:


The consultants will be on-hand for an informal drop-in session, starting at 5:00 p.m. on May 24th, giving attendees the chance to preview scenario documents and maps and ask questions of the team.  


Presentation of scenarios and discussion sessions will begin at 5:45.


Now’s the time for the community to help shape the vision for Moncure and the surrounding areas for consideration by the Board of Commissioners.

First two Community Listening Sessions completed, next session announced!
April 2023

A series of resident listening sessions were held on February 21st at the Moncure Fire Station, which about 75 people attended.  The consulting team facilitated three input sessions and one-on-one discussions with those who attended and gained important perspectives and input from the community.  The sessions also gave the consultants and County staff the chance to answer questions about the County’s role and goals with the Plan Moncure small area planning project.


We also held the first Open House of the  project on March 21 at the Moncure School.  We estimate that at least 125 members of the public participated.  The team presented its “existing conditions” analyses and answered questions of those in attendance.  In addition, representatives from County staff, NCDOT, NCDEQ, and the school board staffed “subject matter” tables to receive one-on-one input on each area of the plan and to answer questions related to potential growth trends in Chatham County, utilities, parks, and cultural and natural resources in the study area.  Written questions were also received. 


Responses to questions and input received at the March 21st open house are being consolidated now and will be available on the website when completed and available at our next open house on April 27th. 


In response to the initial feedback received, the County is adding another community listening session for the project to be held on April 27th at Moncure School, starting at 6:00 PM.  The primary purpose of this session is to hear more from you.  

First two Community Listening Sessions announced!
February 2023

Join our community listening sessions on Feb 21 and March 21 in Moncure.


On February 21, 2023, we will hold informal drop-in sessions at the Moncure Fire Station with the Plan Moncure consultant team.  Three (3) listening sessions will be conducted that afternoon, at 12:30, 2:00, and 5:30 pm.  The Fire Station is at 2389 Old US Highway 1 at the intersection of Old U.S. 1 and Pea Ridge Road.  Please stop in at one of these times to give us your input and to allow us to answer your questions. 


On March 21, 2023, the team will conduct its second public listening session in Moncure, with an open house from 4:30 to 7:30 at the Moncure School.  The consultant team will repeat a brief presentation two times during the open house, with the remainder of the time set aside for one-on-one, informal discussions with the team experts and the public.  The Moncure School is located at 600 Moncure School Road.

Plan Moncure Task 2 Analyses Underway!
February 2023

In January, the County’s consultants began a series of analyses of the Moncure Study Area and beyond related to market trends, land use, transportation, utilities, and historical and environmental features in the southeastern part of Chatham County.  This initial stage allows the Project Team to better understand the existing conditions of the community today.  The following is a brief explanation of work pertaining to several topics that is underway.


Land Use / Development – An assessment of existing and potential future land use begins with an examination of the existing development pattern. The Project Team is examining the existing development patterns to prepare a map of existing land use, generate a breakdown of the amount of land devoted to each land use category, and compare those percentages to the percentage of the tax base each one represents. The assessment includes a determination of the area’s capacity for new development by mapping the supply of developable land and then conducting a suitability analysis to define the parcels most suitable for different types of development: residential, commercial, and industrial. 


Market Conditions – A market assessment is being conducted to determine the number of people and households that could be added to the study area over time and, more specifically, the amount of housing units by type that could be reasonably located in the Moncure area, if permitted. It will also provide projections for nonresidential uses, including industrial, office, retail, restaurant, and lodging uses. Employment growth trends and projected job growth in the Moncure area will also be noted. The experience of a few US communities that have experienced a similar type of major economic development investment will also be summarized.


Environment – An analysis of environmental resources and features will help create an initial, conceptual framework of “green infrastructure” to be considered for conservation. The inventory considered may include but is not limited to the following: water resources, wetlands, floodplains, regulated buffers, threatened and endangered species habitats that have been documented in the Natural Heritage Inventory (NHI), and protected lands [Federal lands (i.e., ACOE-managed land around Jordan Lake), State-maintained lands, County parks (including nature preserves), and private conservation easements].


Historic & Cultural Assets – Many of the properties and sites within the study area are valued as historic and cultural resources. Working with County staff and stakeholders, the Project Team will help define the inventory of such assets and map each of them using available data.


Utility Infrastructure – The utility system analysis will examine existing and planned water and sewer capacity in the Moncure area. The analysis will provide a baseline so that a general estimate of future demand and related needs for additional system capacity required to satisfy that demand can be calculated later in the planning process.


Transportation Infrastructure – Connectivity, accessibility, safety, and capacity are among the aspects of the transportation network that are being assessed in the initial stage of the planning process. Available data and plans are being compiled and reviewed to assess current and anticipated deficiencies in the network. Various modes (personal vehicles, commercial vehicles, freight/rail, aviation, pedestrian, bicycle, and transit) will be evaluated. Both funded and proposed transportation improvements (by NCDOT, MPO, RPO, and others) will be considered to generally understand the potential impacts on the study area. These analyses will provide starting point assumptions and a fact-based baseline from which the small area plan will be developed.  The following describes the nature of these Task 2 analyses.

Plan Moncure Phase 1 Completed
December 2022

On December 19, 2022, the Board of Commissioners completed the first phase of Plan Moncure, which included a subject matter assessment, visioning process, and development of an action plan for Plan Moncure.  The Phase One tab within the Plan Moncure drop down menu above details the history of Phase 1. 

The final report from Phase 1 is posted under the "Plan Moncure Documents” tab within the Plan Moncure drop down menu above. Chapter 4 of the report details the approach to be taken in Phase 2, including the adopted Action Plan.  

That Action Plan details the framework and timeline for Phase 2.  See the “Plan Moncure Project” tab within the Plan Moncure drop down menu above for an illustration of the Action Plan. 

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